Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture - Brooklyn, New York

Dirección: 269 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215.
Teléfono: 187682972.
Página web:
Especialidades: Centro cultural.
Otros datos de interés: Estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 112 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 4.6/5.

Ubicación de Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture

Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture es una organización ubicada en Brooklyn, Nueva York, que se destaca por su compromiso con la ética y la cultura. Se encuentra en Dirección: 269 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215, y su número de contacto es Teléfono: 187682972.

Una de las especialidades de la Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture es su enfoque en ser un centro cultural que promueve la reflexión y el diálogo en torno a temas éticos y sociales relevantes. Además, cuenta con estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, lo que la convierte en un lugar inclusivo y accesible para todos.

En su página web:, se pueden encontrar más detalles sobre sus actividades, eventos y filosofía. La Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture ha recibido 112 valoraciones según Google My Business, con una opinión media de 4.6/5, lo que refleja la satisfacción de quienes han interactuado con la organización.

Para aquellos interesados en explorar temáticas éticas y culturales, la Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture es un lugar ideal para participar en charlas, eventos y actividades que fomentan la reflexión y el pensamiento crítico. Su ubicación en Brooklyn le otorga un ambiente único y vibrante, en el corazón de una de las ciudades más cosmopolitas del mundo.

En definitiva, si estás buscando un espacio que promueva la ética, la cultura y el diálogo abierto, la Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture es el lugar perfecto para ti. Te invitamos a contactar con ellos a través de su página web para descubrir todo lo que tienen para ofrecer y sumergirte en un mundo de reflexión y aprendizaje.

Opiniones de Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture

Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture - Brooklyn, New York
Loki is best anti-hero

My mom and dad got married here coming up on 19 years ago, on December 4, 2004 and they both said the ceremony was great

Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture - Brooklyn, New York
Eshan Singh

Board game night is super fun. There's no cell service inside for some reason.

Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture - Brooklyn, New York
Zhenya Brisker

Great space for hosting events

Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture - Brooklyn, New York
Diane Bratcher

I wanted to attend an event here next week but I'm disabled unable to walk. I heard from you and viewed pictures that showed BSEC to NOT be accessible. You said if I "call ahead" someone would get me into the building. But who will get me out? Get me to and from the bathroom, etc? Humiliating.The ADA was passed decades ago. Have you been saying this, passing yourself as trying to change, for 40 years? "Accessible Yoga"? "Ethical"? Shame on you. Talk, talk talk. Blah, blah, blah!

Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture - Brooklyn, New York
VC Nickels

An interesting place to spend a Sunday morning. They are a non-religious group but I got a very Unitarian-esque vibe. Which was fine. The people are amazingly welcoming and there were a lot of very interesting views. Definitely a place I'd check out again.

Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture - Brooklyn, New York
Lillian Forsyth

The space is beautiful. We had our wedding there and our guests loved it. The outdoor garden is amazing for a ceremony. The downside was the on site management. The facilities manager projected an 'I couldn't care less about you and your wedding' attitude both before and on the day of the event, which caused some stress for me and my husband. Overall unprofessional approach, and so while we had a lovely wedding, I wouldn't recommend this place without some serious caveats.

Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture - Brooklyn, New York
Code Switcher

Basically good people who gather each week to congratulate themselves on being ethical. Strangely cold to the outsider. However, I understand you get more warmth once you pledge 10% of your income to the organization. Still, a good place to go if you want to feel better without doing better. Long on navel gazing; short on action. Or, you could stay home and use 10% of your income for people who actually need help.

Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture - Brooklyn, New York
Josh B

I go here to play board games. It may not be the most up to date building, lacking good AC and a general feeling that it is in need of some renovation, but it is still adorable and exactly what I’m looking for in my Friday night gaming.
