Capoeira Angola Brooklyn - Brooklyn, New York

Dirección: Solar Yoga Ashram, 373 9th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215.
Teléfono: 6464924221.
Página web:
Especialidades: Centro cultural.
Otros datos de interés: Se identifica como mujer empresaria, Sanitarios unisex, Amigable con LGBTQ+, Espacio seguro para personas transgénero.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 9 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 5/5.

Ubicación de Capoeira Angola Brooklyn

Capoeira Angola Brooklyn Solar Yoga Ashram, 373 9th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215

Horario de Capoeira Angola Brooklyn

  • Lunes: Cerrado
  • Martes: 6:30–8:30 p.m.
  • Miércoles: Cerrado
  • Jueves: 6:30–8:30 p.m.
  • Viernes: Cerrado
  • Sábado: Cerrado
  • Domingo: Cerrado

El Capoeira Angola Brooklyn es un centro cultural situado en el corazón de Brooklyn, Nueva York. Ubicado en el Solar Yoga Ashram en la dirección 373 9th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215, este lugar es fácilmente accesible y ofrece una variedad de opciones de transporte.

Al llegar, notarás su cálida y acogedora atmósfera. El espacio es amigable con LGBTQ+ y se enorgullece de ser un espacio seguro para personas transgénero. Los baños son unisex, lo que refuerza su compromiso con la inclusión y la aceptación.

Una de las características más distintivas del Capoeira Angola Brooklyn es su enfoque en la capoeira angola, un estilo de capoeira que se originó en Angola y se caracteriza por su lentitud, deliberación y enfoque en la defensa personal. Además de la capoeira angola, el centro cultural también ofrece clases y talleres en otros aspectos de la cultura angoleña, como la música, la danza y la historia.

La dueña del negocio es una mujer emprendedora y apasionada que ha creado un espacio donde la comunidad puede reunirse, aprender y crecer. Su liderazgo ha dado como resultado un ambiente acogedor y solidario que atrae a personas de todas las edades y orígenes.

El Capoeira Angola Brooklyn ha recibido elogios de sus visitantes, con una calificación promedio de 5/5 según 9 opiniones en Google My Business. Los comentarios elogian la calidad de las clases, la amabilidad del personal y la sensación de comunidad que se siente en el espacio.

Opiniones de Capoeira Angola Brooklyn

Capoeira Angola Brooklyn - Brooklyn, New York
Kasem Green

Capoeira Angola Brooklyn is a very welcoming community. Ana is a very supportive expert teacher that can help you learn no matter your age or level of competency. Every member is valued and encouraged to grow and overcome challenges in the process. The combination of movement, music, and community helps generate a deeper connection to the rich culture of Capoeira, while also creating a beautiful combination learning and fun. Highly Recommend for anyone looking to get into Capoeira.

Capoeira Angola Brooklyn - Brooklyn, New York
Agnes Angeles

Ana is a passionate teacher who is dedicated to build a strong foundation of the Capoeira technique for her students. As a personal trainer, she is very knowledgeable about the physical aspects of each moves but she also incorporates a lot of music and singing into her classes. She makes sure each student progresses at their own pace and also creates space for partnering. She gives a real sense of community within her class.

Capoeira Angola Brooklyn - Brooklyn, New York
Raoni Lourenço

Being a capoeira practitioner for more than 20 years, I feel fortunate to have met Ana and have found a space in Brooklyn where it is possible to deepen my research into the Capoeira Angola world with care and love. Besides approaching movement, musicality, and culture seriously, Ana is a very experienced trainer and tailors her instructions to the individual needs of students of all levels and bodies. The classes are always energetic and fun.

Capoeira Angola Brooklyn - Brooklyn, New York
Danielle Bergman

Amazing classes! Ana is an incredible teacher and creates and warm environment. Great place to either start learning about capoeira or strengthen and continue deepening your practice! Lovely community!
These classes are unlike any you will find elsewhere - Ana is a personal trainer by profession and has a deep and longstanding relationship with capoeira and how to move your body in a safe way. These classes incorporate movement, music, history, philosophy, and more! Definitely recommend checking Ana and these classes out!

Capoeira Angola Brooklyn - Brooklyn, New York
Lianne Walden

Ana is an incredible teacher. She offers the wisdom of someone who has lived a rich and meaningful life, the somatic knowledge of a personal trainer, and the empathy and a charisma of a community leader. Classes are super accessible and rewarding for students at every level. You’ll sweat and laugh and join a wonderful community! Highly recommend!!!

Capoeira Angola Brooklyn - Brooklyn, New York
JV Sena Alencar

An incredible space to practice sharing space and to evolve in capoeira and in life with each other. Ana finds the sweet spot of ushering people into the traditions and movements of capoeira, meeting them where they are at, while also pushing each person to break out of their comfort zone and work a little bit harder. While the physical practice is a key piece of our trainings which Ana expertly leads incorporating her wealth of knowledge of capoeira as well as body care techniques from her background as a personal trainer, she also centers the other central yet sometimes neglected components of capoeira - the culture, ancestry and lineage, music, aesthetics. Feel incredibly grateful to have stumbled upon this group in my capoeira journey and to feel a part of something greater. Obrigadão!

Capoeira Angola Brooklyn - Brooklyn, New York
Kent Kinzer

Capoeira Angola Brooklyn is a wonderful community of supportive and encouraging folks led by the fabulous Ana. Capoeiristas of all levels are welcome and will find a good fit here. Most of class time is dedicated to movement, with some time set aside every day for music. Students also learn about the history and culture of the art form and enjoy periodic visits from Mestre Cabello, Ana’s teacher who lives and teaches in Brazil.

Capoeira Angola Brooklyn - Brooklyn, New York
Kimberly Tupy

Capoeira has been part of my life for 10yrs & this is an amazing group to train with. Students with great energy, a strong sense of community, and a teacher who is talented & passionate about the art. Classes are a perfect combination of physical skill, technique, and learning the culture, tradition, and music that is essential to capoeira. Rouxinol is attentive to each student's level so everyone is comfortable, safe and appropriately challenged. She supports and celebrates everyone’s advancement. In my experience, capoeira is life changing and this is a group & leader who value what the practice has to offer. Highly recommend this group to train with!
